Title: Concept based design of Plastic Shredding machine

Client: Plastic parts manufacturer from Central Europe region

Requirement: Prepare the design and manufacturing documents for a concept based plastic shredding machine


  • As the design is an concept based design the inputs are not clear and had to make many assumptions
  • 100% quality deliverables required as all the manufacturing data was directly going to the shop floor
  • The knowledge of manufacturing requirements at client's location was a must

Software used: SolidWorks 2021

Solution & Approach:

As SCS already had the resources with experience in plastic industry in place we were able to take up the project and in no time were able to understand the requirements of client and deliver the output to them.

Quality: The drawings were prepared with 100% first time right quality mark along with asking right questions to the client.

Turnaround Time: SCS prepared the design and manufacturing drawings as per the schedule of client.

Adaptability: AS SCS had the trained resources in place the client had to spend less time training and making the resources adaptable to their working standards.

SCS Services:
Concept design and development
3D modelling in SolidWorks
Manufacturing drawings in SolidWorks
Creating manufacturing documents

SynnopTech CAD Solutions