Title: CAD/CAM support to Electrical Control panel Box manufacturer

Client: Electrical Control panel Box manufacturer from Middle East

Requirement: Providing end-to-end CAD/CAM support for manufacturing the control panel box using TruPunch and TruBend


  • The manufacturer required us to design the control panel box in SolidWorks and setting up the machining details in TRUMPF
  • Setting up the details in TRUMPF was a major challenge as we had not the access to the machine floor
  • Profound knowledge of sheet metal manufacturing industry was a must

Software used: SolidWorks 2021/TRUMPF

Solution & Approach:

SCS has in-house expertise in working with TRUMPF software. We started with preparing the design for the electrical control panel box in SolidWorks taking in to consideration all the sheet metal design rules. We had to identify and apply the required tolerances to the drawings for ensuring smoother assembling process. Once the design was competed in SolidWorks we started up the Computer-aided manufacturing processes. We firstly prepared the relevant flat patterns documents for the sheets to be used. The nesting for the parts was done according to the standard sheet sizes available at client's location. After nesting the program prepared in TRUMPF was loaded into the TruPunch machine to cut the sheet metal parts. After shearing we had to prepare the program for TruBend to bend the parts into required profiles.

Quality: We were able to create the Electrical Control panel Box with the required functionality while maintaining 99% first time right.

CAM: We were able to work with the program provided by client and have a guided manufacturing from our off shore design centre.

Cost Effectivity: By partnering with SCS client were able to cut down their design and development cost by 50%

SCS Services:
Concept design and development
3D modelling in SolidWorks
Manufacturing drawings in SolidWorks
Creating manufacturing documents
Computer-aided Manufacturing

SynnopTech CAD Solutions